search and find latest paid medical trials in Fargo from our medical trials database. You can earn Up to $350 Inpatient without blood draws in Fargo.
Study Date Study Type Drug Type Basic Criteria Screening Dates & Times Stipend
03/07/17 (Check-In) at approx. 6:30 a.m.
03/08/17 (Check-Out) at approx. 1:00 p.m.
Inpatient without blood draws (1 overnight stay) Topical/Skin Healthy Males and Females ages 18 and older ; BMI 18-35; Non-smokers only
02/27/17, 02/28/17
**If you are not able to participate in any of these studies, please give us a call or register so we can contact you about future opportunities**
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The employer has up to 30 days (usually allot quicker!) to respond and either accept or decline your application. Once a response is received you will be emailed and you can view all responses via your members area.